This site is copyright 2007-2012 by Daniel Lim

Monday, October 17, 2011

GCE 'O' Level Briefing Cartoons and Illustrations

GCE 'O' Level Briefing Cartoons and Illustrations.

Only cartoons. Nothing more, nothing less. Enjoy!

Student in the Classroom

A short animation created on the iPad. Featuring 'Student in the Classroom'

Friday, October 14, 2011

Habits of Minds (HOM) - Striving for Accuracy and Precision Cartoons

There are many things in life that requires precision. In certain jobs being precise is very important. For example an eye surgeon operating someone's eye. Being precise and accurate is also required of your school work.

To be precise and accurate means a requirement to constantly check your work and evaluate the contents for improvement. To reiterate the process until further effort to improve the work is no longer worth it. When you finish your homework, that is not the end. In fact, finishing your homework should be the beginning of the checking phase. To ensure you have the best possible answer within the time you are given.

Some students asked me: "Cher, what is Wendy's?" Well, if I drew MacDonald s, that would be too common. Wendy's is a pretty new fast food chain in Singapore.

Anyway, hope the cartoons will always be a good reminder for you to CHECK your work. =)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Steve Jobs

The man responsible for a technologically better world.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

O Level Pre-Examination Briefing

Why should briefing slides always come with boring bullet points and pointless animations?

Shown below are examples of two slides with bullet points.

Sample Slide (a) Bullet Points:
  • Report to school 30mins before paper starts.
  • Call buddy immediately if he/she is still not in school.
  • Called into hall 15mins before paper.
Sample Slide (b) Bullet Points:
  • Check that you receive the correct exam paper.
  • Borrowing of stationery is NOT allowed.
How exciting to be sitting through a briefing like this. Anyone can read notes.

Next, see what cartoons and illustrations can do to enhance communication...

Bullet Points:
  • Report to school 30mins before paper starts.
  • Call buddy immediately if he/she is still not in school.
  • Called into hall 15mins before paper.

Bullet Points:
  • Check that you receive the correct exam paper.
  • Borrowing of stationery is NOT allowed.
Follow the link below to go to my slide presentation:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Habits of Minds (HOM) - Persistence

Very often you will hear someone emphasize on the importance of persistence. However, it will be interesting to note that having the habit of persistence doesn't mean will bring you success.

In the cartoon you will see some points on what persistence is 'not'... if you are persistent, but you persist in doing the wrong things, then that persistence will not be good for you.

However, though we know that being persistent is a good habit, we must be wise to choose the right things and persist. Having said that, we got also to be wise to know when to stop and change our focus when something is clearly not within our control.

Therefore being persistent is one thing.
Having the wisdom to choose what and when to persist is another.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

School Sports Day On-the-Spot Cartoon Sketches 2011

Sports day in the morning is fine. But it wasn't fine if everybody had to be baked under the sun from 8 - 11am.

Imagine if your teacher-in-charge is sleeping and holding the line...

Listen to instructions. Hold on to the strings. Not tie and go away.
Especially if you are talking about a running event.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bulldog Cartoon - Illustrated on my iPad using Inkpad

Rough pencil sketch of bulldog on paper. I took a photo using my iPhone had it transferred to my iPad. I then adjusted the brightness and contrast of the photo using PS Express. Next I import the adjusted image into Inkpad and started my illustration of the Bulldog in various layers.

Completed illustration of Bulldog on my iPad.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Habits of Minds (HOM) - Listening with Understanding and Empathy Cartoons

If you wonder how I got my cartoons done up so quickly for my classes, here is an example of my sketches during my morning break cum preparation a few days before lesson. If I draw with a pen, then no further inking. If I draw them with a pencil, the next stage will be inking with a pen. Next I will use my iPhone to snap a photo, edit it in iPad, send it to my email from which I will print multiple copies for my students. Cool hey?

For prints, I will ink them in illustrator. But for classroom use sometimes I had to be swift and fast. =) My students enjoyed my cartoons. Ya?

Cartoons drawn for my students for classroom teaching and engagements. Printed and given to all. =)

Habits of Minds (HOM) - Managing Impulsivity Cartoons

Victim of Impulsivity
Do not become a victim to 'impulsivity'. Pressures to perform or do well in studies may lead to over-eating for some people. Coveting for something that is not yours may lead someone to attempt to steal. Those actions are acts of 'impulse'. Make sure you learn to manage your thinking before you act. See below.

Managing Impulsivity
 Next time you feel the urge or impulse to do something you know is not right, you can use the 'Traffic Light' method to help you. Red means 'STOP'. Stop what you are tempted to do. Amber means 'THINK'. Think about the consequences and effects upon yourselves and the people around you IF you fall victim to your impulsivity and do (or say) the wrong things. And once you considered carefully, make sure you respond rightly instead. i.e. 'GO' the green light. 

In the example above, you could have asked for money to buy the things you want, (note that you may not always get what you wanted), but if you asked and got the money to buy the pens, you need not be afraid to be caught! If you managed your impulsivity with the urge to eat when stressed with schoolwork and instead went for a walk to relax your mind, you will end up healthier and fresher when you get back to work later on.

If only I managed my impulsivity. If only...

Many people do the wrong things without first considering what might be the consequences. Then later regret what they did. Most of the time, the consequences to those wrong deeds not only affect the person, but the people around him. So remember always (1) 'STOP' - stop what you are tempted to do (get into an argument, steal, lie, etc), to (2) 'THINK' - how should you respond rightly instead and finally (3) choose to do the RIGHT thing - 'GO'! You will save for yourself LOTS of unnecessary trouble later on!

Do not simply act (on impulse) because you feel like it, or think like it or want to. Sometimes our feelings can fool us if we do not consider them carefully. So remember the TRAFFIC LIGHT method. Its easy.

 Cartoons drawn for my students for classroom teaching and engagements. 

Four Levels of Behaviours

Cartoons drawn for my class during break times. Printed and given out to allow them to monitor their own behaviours and to act as reminder to choose to behave responsibly.

Forced to Rate Favourably... Politically correctness.

Politically correctness.

Education Cartoon: Singapore Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)

Requested by a teacher to draw a cartoon on ERP for classroom teaching.
Drawn on paper. Colored on my iPad.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Students' Attention Span

Tips for educators: Refrain from talking in the assembly for more than 30 minutes.... or you make sure your contents are real good.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Singapore Soccer

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Coursework Exam Rules

When someone up there who knows little about the subject tells you what the examination criterion should be like... it sucks big time.

I'm hungry

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad